Chapter Five

Chapter 5: Pressure of Death

5-2: Toshiro's Concerns and Toshin's Anger

Fujimoto and Toshiro had begun walking towards Toshin’s home. Toshiro began to show signs of being nervous, the closer they got. Fujimoto was also concerned with how Toshin was going to respond to everything since it was the one thing Toshin asked Toshiro not to do. He had restraint with Toshiro meeting with Amane in secret but he didn’t want Toshiro to join the war effort.

“This won’t be fun will it?” Toshiro asked quietly.

Fujimoto shook his head,"  Not at all, Toshiro. I’ve known your father for many years. Toshin wouldn’t have allowed this when your mother or before he met her. He has always been very clan oriented, not that it’s a bad thing.”

“Clan oriented?” Toshiro said, confused.

“As a clan head, he has to represent the whole of your clan while doing what’s best for them. He’s been one most of your life and has been groomed for the role. Those were his aspirations, besides being a strong swordsman. Your mother was very strict on him but only when it came to eating because he’d blow it off to keep training.” Fujimoto scratched the back of his head nervously. “That’s my fault.”

Toshiro laughed briefly at Fujimoto taking blame and it seemed to him; like they all used to be a lot closer than they were now. The thoughts of his mother made him somber but he wanted to make her proud even more than his father. “Why aren’t you and father as close as you were before? Seems like you’re still friends but more distant from each other.”

Fujimoto looked to the sky for a moment to reflect and smiled,"  That’s very simple; you and Amane, since you were both born within months of each other. Amane was born and I started spending more time at home with Jade during those months before you were born. Then you were born and Toshin started doing the same thing. We got preoccupied with our families and we grew apart during that time. We never stopped being friends.”

“That does make sense.” Toshiro nodded in agreement.

“Toshin is a good man. He always has been and always will be. He’ll probably outlive everyone with his strict regiment.” Fujimoto chuckled nervously. “I definitely know, I won’t be the one to out live anyone, with my drinking habit and this war.”

“You should probably stop drinking and the war.” Toshiro said jokingly, knowing that Fujimoto only had control of one of those things.

“Your father repeats that same thing but it doesn’t stick.” Fujimoto replied. “We’re almost there.”

Fujimoto and Toshiro continued on their way to the house while having a brief conversation about the past. Fujimoto enjoyed passing on some of his knowledge about the old days to Toshiro since it could possibly, in the future, help Toshiro and Amane stay closer together if they have children. Fujimoto felt proud of the thought of his son and a child he considered his nephew, having their own children to pass their skills on to. He was happy that his own and Toshin’s skills would be passed on and preserved. Their names and guidance would reach far into the future, though they’d never see it.

Toshiro and Fujimoto finally arrived at the door. Toshiro paused before he opened it, going inside followed by Fujimoto shutting the door after he entered. The living room and kitchen were empty and there was no noise to be heard upstairs.

“He must be down stairs.” Fujimoto looked around, not seeing Toshin anywhere.

“Must be.” Toshiro replied while sighing, Toshiro went down the stairs first followed by Fujimoto. 

Toshin spotted his son first as he exited the stairway. “Where have you been, Toshiro? I’ve been worried about you.” Toshin had a calm but stern voice.

“Father…” Toshiro started to speak.

Toshin then saw Fujimoto come out from behind him,"  That makes sense, I thought I told you not to join the war?”

“Nice to see you, too, Toshin.” Fujimoto said, shrugging.

“This isn’t about you. This is about my son not listening to my words.” Toshin stated sternly.

“He’s back, he’s safe and he’s stronger than ever.” Fujimoto added, while trying to mitigate the anger by changing the topic partially.

“That does NOT change the fact that he left in the first place and disobeyed my one command.” Toshin retorted angrily.

“I told you that I wanted to help Amane. I don’t care about our last names. I wanted to help my friend because he always helps me and I wanted to be there during a time of need.” Toshiro responded.

“Helping Amane is what he did for the last two days. I put them together to keep them safe like we do for each other.” Fujimoto stated as he tried to make it seem like he had more control than he actually did. He had trust in their children to do whatever it took to stay alive.

“Toshiro, I wouldn’t want you to go to war, period. Whether we were of this clan or their clan, it’s about you being my son. It was to keep you safe. There is also the political side to think about. You're the son of a clan head and it could be seen as giving aid or blessing for one side to win the war over the other. We aren’t supposed to be involved at all in this inner clan war. They have to sort it out.” Toshin spoke reluctantly and sternly.

“Wait.” Toshiro said in confusion. “If this wasn’t an inner clan war; what would you have done?”

“I’d have been right there next to Fujimoto and Amane in a heartbeat. Sage also would have joined in the efforts. However, we’re both clan heads, Toshiro, so we can’t be involved in this.” Toshin stated.

“To be fair Toshin, if you and Sage would have been there; we would have ended this a long time ago. Toshiro and Amane wouldn’t have been involved at all.” Fujimoto added confidently.

“It would have been like before when the three of us cleaned up the old part of town.” Toshin nodded. “We earned the title of: Trio of Yama Zengo for our efforts. Easier times then, Fujimoto.”

“I understand your reasoning better now but I still want to help Amane.” Toshiro replied.

Toshin shook his head, "I can’t let you do that, son, you would be putting us all in danger.”

“What if I stopped being a part of this clan?” Toshiro retorted hastily.

“Then there is nothing I could do as your clan head but I’m still your father.” Toshin retorted. “I could also just lock you up in the cells.”

“That’s cold even for you, Toshin.” Fujimoto added.

“Shut up, you’re not helping.” He replied to Fujimoto. “I’ll throw you in there too.”

“Father, I can literally just run away now and not have to worry about it. I can join a war of my own free will and your bars won’t help either. Not saying I would, but I could literally freeze you in place, walk out and be LONG GONE before you caught up.” Toshiro stated coldly as the skin on his arms began shifting to a paler blue.

“You’ve awakened your cryomancy fully it seems. While I couldn’t stop you, in that way, I’m still a better skilled swordsman than you and could still take you down, son.” Toshin replied.

“THAT’S ENOUGH.” Fujimoto shouted over them. “As your friend, I’m urging you both to stand down and I CAN stop you both, if necessary. I won’t see father and son trying to tear each other apart.” Fujimoto added with a seriousness that wasn’t common for him. Toshin and Toshiro had both had their hands on their hilts and removed them as Fujimoto spoke. As if they were unison both of them sighed and dropped their guard down. “Thank you both for listening and seeing the side of reason. I will not let you fight each other. Toshiro, that's your father, show him some respect. Toshin, that's your son and he’s an adult now, let him make his own decisions. Support him even if you don’t like what he’s doing.” His eyes narrowed and his voice calm and steady. It was his voice for when he had to give orders but it seemed to work here, as well.

“You’re right, Fuji.” Toshin added. “Don’t let that go to your head, it was bound to happen.” He laughed.

“Thanks.” Toshiro responded. “Should we go meet up with Amane?”

“What happened to Amane?” Toshin asked. “If you got cryomancy after awakening;what did he get?”

“Pyromancy.” Fujimoto replied.

“That could be very dangerous without proper training.” Toshin added.

“Tell me about it.” Fujimoto stated.

“He’s got a better handle on it than I do.” Toshiro announced with confidence in Amane.

“I think that’s his spiritual training.” Toshin replied.

“That seems like the most logical conclusion.” Fujimoto added. “I might have something at home that could help with your training Toshiro. If not, there is a blacksmith in Quadrant One who makes specialty armor. You’ll just have to find a good way to get there, though.”

“Cut through the trees and deal with Elves, who may kill you on sight. Cut through Quadrant Five and burn to a crisp, not even your ice would get you through or Amane’s fire. Cut through the Palace Area and deal with the dead.” Toshin stated. “No route is safe.”

Toshiro sighed,"  This place sucks.” He laughed momentarily. “I’ll find a way, if it is necessary.”